Monday, October 4, 2010

Dream Big

"Living is a form of not being sure, not knowing what next or how...We guess. We may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the dark." — Agnes de Mille, dancer
I love this photo. It speaks to the idea that I mentioned here about going after dreams. Although Button & Boo sells clothing and accessories I find myself wanting to be this woman in her cute skirt on her adventure. This mysterious lady jumps on her steed, um, bike for what ever lies ahead. She goes forward even though we cannot see where that may lead.

I keep finding these kind of images while I focus on what to do next with my new shop. If only I looked so cute while doing it!

QUESTION: What messages/images are paying attention to in regards to your dreams?


BeadedTail said...

If I had legs like that, I'd go biking in a skirt and heels everywhere!

I have a dream of writing a novel but of course never have the time. I signed up for the National Write a Novel Month next month and keep seeing little hints everywhere of making the time, following your dream, etc. so maybe this was meant to be!

Splendid Little Stars said...

That's a great quote! I, too, like that image! There is mystery and adventure.

Erika said...

Sharla, I would read your novel. Your wit shines through on your blog--we don't all turn in for just the photos, you know:)

Splendid--i love the mystery of this photo!