Thursday, October 7, 2010

Alice Criss Crossed

If you have seen Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland then you probably noticed that Alice's dress changes a few times. My daughter has been trying to get me to make her Alice dresses since she saw the movie the first time. (It is on my ever-growing list of things to do).
This shirred dress had been in the sewing room on my pile of projects needed to be completed. My three year old grabbed the dress and tried to explain to me that she wanted the straps like Alice(when Alice shrunk the first time). Since she has never liked wearing halter-style dresses before I refused. She then directed me to tie the straps like what you see above. (You should have seen me trying to figure out what she was describing).

She then wore her dress out on our errands and said she was a princess.

My mom believes that I am encouraging her to be too independent. But I like the fact that at three years she is clear about what she likes with clothes.

But may the good Lord help me when she is a teen.


BeadedTail said...

She is a princess! That dress is so cute and I think she had a good idea of how she wanted those straps tied!

sandy petals said...

She is a beautiful little princess. I like the way she wanted it tied.

Splendid Little Stars said...

I was very clear about what kind of clothing I liked at a very young age. My mother and aunts have told me this, and I remember as well. Not a bad thing....and independence is GOOD!
She's cute! The dress is cute! She must be a princess!